Friday, 14 November 2014

Deployment Monitoring Tool in SCCM 2012 Toolkit

Deployment Monitoring Tool in SCCM 2012 Toolkit

Deployment Monitor Tool (DeploymentMonitoringTool.exe) is new addition to SCCM  2012 Toolkit. This Tool is a graphical user interface designed to assist in troubleshooting applications, updates and baseline deployments.

 The use of this tools comes with below features.
1.        Actions
2.        Client Properties
3.        Deployments
4.        All Updates

Deployment Monitoring Tool MUST be run as administrator.

Through actions menu you can perform the following task
(a) Connect to A remote Computer, 
(b) Import and Export XML files of a system for further troubleshooting
 (c) Review the log files depending upon which TAB are selected. For Example if it is  Application and Baseline Deployments Tab –> PolicyAgent.log:, Update Deployments –> updatesDeployment.log and All Updates Tab –> WindowsUpdate.log:

Ø  Client Properties
Client Properties tab will help us to get all the client details. The following information is very helpful at the time of troubleshooting. Client Logs Directory, ccmexec service Status,  Service Window (maintenance window) status, Proxy MP, Resident MP details, WSUS Locations, Update Sources, Last Policy refresh Cycle,Assigned MP, Site Code, Client Approved status and certificate information.

Ø  Deployments
Deployments tab will help us to list down the details of each targeted deployments.
 This will provide us more details of the deployments like Name, Deadline, State,Type and ID.
For example, in the following pic, you can see the deployed application is OPTIONAL, state of deployment is APP_CI_ASSIGNMENT_EVALUATION, Deployment ID and Deployment Type is Application. However, if you look at other two deployments, you can see that one is Software Update and other one is mandatory application deployment with a deadline.
We will get in depth characteristics of selected deployment in the bottom of the tool.

 Information which can be fetched are as under. These details are very very helpful at the time of troubleshooting.

1.        AssignmentAction,
2.        DisableMomAlerts,NotifyUser,
3.        SuppressReboot,
4.        OverrideServiceWindows,
5.        RaiseMomAlertOnFailure,
6.        StartTime, StartTime,
7.        Target,
8.        RebootOutsideOfServiceWindows,
9.        UserUIExperience, 
10.     DeploymentType,

We can retrive in-depth details about selected deployment at the bottom (each and every details that you’ve specified at the time of creation of new application). For example – Properties (as mentioned above), Policy, Evaluation, Content, Enforcement, Reporting and Requirement Violations.

Ø  All Updates
All updates tab will provide the details about all the required updates along with their status.
Article ID, Bulletin, Status, Title, Unique ID, Scan Time, Source Version and Source Unique ID

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